Saturday, 25 April 2009


My dear old school friend Sara has just started a Etsy shop called Ladycraft selling her wonderfully original handcrafted pieces. While I've always been interested in interiors, Sara's love is fashion, and it shows - she's the best dressed friend I have!

She's based in Melbourne, Australia and you can visit her at Abbotsford Skirt & Shirt market held 3rd Sunday of the month where she sells her lovely wears under the banner of Saffron.

The Nursery

So I am currently 6 months pregnant and facing the dilemma of decorating the nursery without knowing the baby's sex...

I've been struggling to find a lovely rocking chair, and frankly the traditional nursing chairs are just too awful. I couldn't entertain the idea of buying one for a second!

However, Nicola Wilkes from Wales at Home made a fabulous suggestion - an Eames Rocker. So I found one on ebay for £100 - problem solved. Perfect!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

David Trubridge Light Shade

During my travels around New Zealand in January, the most spectacular light kept popping up in bars and restaurants all around the country. I vaguely tried to find it on return to the UK but have only just discovered the designer.

So now all I need is a UK stockist...