Having read a few Quilting books, and having no idea of what they were talking about, I enrolled in a short three week course at Sally Bourne Interiors in Crouch End, and with the guidance of the lovely Sarah Harper, I finished my first every bit of patch work. Ok, so it's small, and not so perfect, but I'm as proud as punch!
So I think I may have the quilting bug, I'm already planning a quilt for our bed, but for not, perhaps King size is a little too ambitious...
And for a bit of inspiration and eye candy, I have fallen in love with a few quilts in this beautiful book by Jane Brocket...

I am so glad to her you have caught the bug, sadly it is contagious and there is no cure. You can appease the symptoms with a big fabric stash and long evenings stitching away. The quilt is gorgeous, I love seeing my students get really passionate about something so dear to my heart.
We are starting a weekly quilting group at the shop on the Thursday night knit and stitch group, hopefully I will see you there one week.
Thanks Sarah! I've definitely caught the bug...I've even started my next quilt, albeit another cot quilt - can't quite get my head around anything bigger.
You'll definitely see me one Thursday night, but perhaps not for the next little while. Christmas is proving a little bit manic!
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