We're now back in London, recovering from jetlag. We had a wonderful month - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Cape Tribulation, Cairns, Fraser Island, Stradbroke Island and an outback town called Charleville. It's been a bit of an adventure (an a little bit exhausting!).
Milly celebrated her Birthday in style. High Tea with thanks to the exquisite crockery from Fancy Tea and the help of my mum and her fabulous scones (she's quite the scone connoisseur), meringues and Angel Food Cake, along with my own, mini Blueberry and Lemon Bundt cakes, cucumber sandwiches and the stunning cupcakes made by Chelse. It was quite a spread (photos to follow...I managed to misplaced my camera, but should be reunited with it in a few weeks).
Milly had a great time, completely sugar fueled. She ended the day on a high, covering herself in strawberry jam. I managed to miss the event, but was in charge of the cleaning up. My friend Shae managed to capture it in motion...
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